Friday, April 4, 2008

Hospital de Los Ninos

April 4- Quesada 1842

So tonight I went to this hospital for really sick kids. The kids need 24/7 care and attention and so the parents and families live there in the hospital with the kids. But anyways every Thursday night, Pepperdine goes to a church and makes sandwiches and juice and then we go to the hospital and pass out the sandwiches to feed the families of the kids. Its crazy to see these hospitals with so much despair and to compare them to the hospitals in the states with the shiny floors and fancy everything and patients with a room to themselves where there could be upwards of 7 kids in one room with their families there day and night with them. Its not like the families just come for a night and then leave. They live there with their kids as long as their kids are sick. They don't have money to leave and come back etc. Just weird to see. And equally as weird to think that one day I will be working in a place like if not a place that is 20 times worse. However, there were 5 of us Pepperdine kids and so the son of the house keepers drove us there and we all just squeezed into the car and then the guy from the church came with us to the hospital so we got a taxi and then had the other guy. however on the way back to the casa, the girl in charge decided that we could all just fit in one car so the 5 of us pep kids got into the backseat and the other guy sat up front till we dropped him off at the church. the drivers face was priceless when we told him our idea!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like a very mature and focused young lady. Keep up the good work!