Thursday, April 3, 2008

Epic Things

April 3- Quesada 1842

So I think it is a new record for me (at least recently) to be posting two times so close to each other. Also, I know I said that I would only post if some epic things happened between now and my trip to Peru but some epic things have happened so here we go...

Convo dinner: Every Tuesday night after convo (aka chapel-ish thing) we go out to dinner as a group. Pepperdine pays and takes us to different restaurants around the city. We'll we went to this Greek place right near the Casa this week. Not only was the food great but the night was accompained with Greek dancing including us being allowed to smash plates on the floor and some of the students dancing with the Greek people in the street. aka the Greek people were dancing and the student were more or less just jumping up and down in the sidewalks of Argentina. Epic.

Adalam: Today (Wed) was a national Argentine holiday so we didn't have classes so I spent the day volunteering along with about 10 other students. We went to this place called Adalam which is a Christian based community where there are houses and places to live for people that literally have nothing. No food, no water, no house, no money etc. There are about double the amount of kids than there are adults some of the kids being orphans. Anyways, we went there to spend the day working and helping them with things that they needed to get done. The day consisted of the girls gardening and shifting dirt etc. (where I got a nice little cut on my hand from glass in the dirt), the guys moving objects and rearranging a shed (where one of the guys got the most crazy blood blister I have ever seen from a brick hitting his hand), a soccer game of Americans vs. portenos and the Americans winning, and none of us wanting to leave at the end of the day. It is crazy to see how happy people can be with nothing when so many Americans and just other people in general have everything and still all they want is more....

Rent: Tonight after Adalam was an event I planned to go see the American musical Rent but in Spanish. Because I haven't ever seen the play in English, I wasn't able to follow the story at all but the actors, singing and over all stage performance was amazing. You don't see acting like that in the states and it was great. Plus everyone had a great time and really enjoyed themselves so I am very happy that the event went over really well. Some of us went to a bar and grabbed a drink after the play and just talked and it was fantastic. Now I am home writing this and about to go to bed so that I can be semi-alive for classes tomorrow.

So I mostly likely won't be posting again so if I don't I hope everyone has a great week next week!

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